May 2020 – Freedom at last!
Finally, after what seems like an age, life is getting back to “normal” here.
Some of the bars and restaurants are allowed to open with reduced occupancy (30%) and restricted opening hours. We took full advantage of that right away up in the town of Tazacorte.
For us it’s just nice to be able to go out, sit and have a glass of wine and something to eat without being worried about a visit from the firm, but fair “Guardia Civil”.
Smart “Guardia Civil” car. I was only allowed a picture of the car.
We’re also allowed to go walking around the island, go out sailing (but not between the islands and not overnight) and, as from today, we can go on the beaches and swim.
Nearly every morning we have been able to walk to the top of our local “mountain”, El Time. It’s not really a mountain, more a steep cliff, but the walk is tough and a great way to start your day. Plus it only takes 20 mins to go up on a good day.
After that we are usually able to enjoy a coffee at one of the few bars that are now open! It’s like holiday all over again.
The day we chose to go out sailing started out calm enough, but gradually the wind increased until it was 20 – 25 knots. We had planned to calibrate our newly installed Garmin “SteadyCast” heading sensor (which basically involves going around in circles) but the waves grew to the point where it was really uncomfortable.
The sailing was good however and served to clear away the non-sailing blues that we were both suffering from.
Here are a few other pictures from May.